Prime Force



Olympic athletes do not participate in the Olympic Games without a coach.    

Life is our Olympics.

It takes incredible stamina, courage, perseverance, skill, and heart to “keep on keeping on”, to reach our highest goals, get beyond “unsurpassable obstacles”, and realize our fondest desires.

Just as an Olympic trainer supports the athlete to reach the highest level of performance…to achieve “personal best”, so does a Life Coach support the client to go beyond where they would normally stop, to experience an “evolution of excellence”, to create the life he or she has always wanted.

Each of us has an “inner athlete”, which, given the advantage of professional coaching, can use limitations as “stepping stones” to personal growth, transforming life from ordinary to extraordinary.     The challenge of finding and living this “best life” can be met more easily with the help of a life coach.

“If we do not change direction, we are liable to end up where we are headed.”    Confucius.

Coaching is about change.  Positive, powerful change.

Two forces, action and learning, combine to create change.  

Coaching provides a context, safe and strong enough, to allow you to work on the most important issues of your life, with specific techniques to clarify the choices, create action plans, and monitor the results.

The purpose of a powerful coaching relationship is to “forward the action”.

Imagine someone who is sometimes even more committed to what you want in your life than you are…always “in your corner”.

Using traditional and innovative techniques, the coach creates an alliance specifically designed to meet the basic needs of the client.  The best coaching relationship is based on truth, trust, and a deep listening of those needs.

The magic in Life Coaching exists in the dynamic connection between coach and client.

The end result for the client:  greater harmony with one’s Self, and more freedom to live and to be that real Self.  

According to Bertrand Russell, “in a deep instinctive union with the stream of life, lies the greatest of all happiness.”

Glenda Hesseltine, M.A.
(707) 268-3936  

Prime Force Life Coaching with Glenda Hesseltine
By Yvette Troyna

FROM: Humboldt County Lines - MAY/JUNE 2006

Glenda Hesseltine
Life has its Breakdowns/Breakthroughs, as Glenda Hesseltine puts it. I met with Glenda to work on climbing to the next level, and wow -- what an amazing woman! Her role is like an Olympic coach, whose clients embrace this edgy game called life. As a dedicated cheerleader who unabashedly applauds every inch of progress and holds her clients to self-imposed standards, Glenda is a glorious, genuine ray of sunshine in even the bleakest sky.

We have times when we face bad weather, wondering if the sun will ever shine again. Glenda works on the sidelines, helping us embrace rainy days with new skills, leading to greater understanding and appreciation. Even the roughest spots gain clarity. No more waiting on the bench. Glenda takes you by the hand, accompanying you down the path you've chosen to forge. You will exponentially excel through goal setting and accountability sessions.

Working with Glenda over the past few weeks has given me incredible insight about habits that have kept me from reaching my full potential. Her ability to lovingly hold me accountable without tucking my turtle head back into my shell is amazing. I've been able to undo limiting thought processes and take my game to the next level in remarkable ways. Her style combines humor and candor with no-nonsense reality checks tempered by compassionate examples of her own experiences.

If you do one thing for yourself this year, let it be a call to take your game to the next level with Glenda Hesseltine. I just know you'll be glad you did!



"My journey as a client of Glenda's was truly a memorable and life enriching experience, giving me solid support and encouragement to go deeper in the exploration of self.  Her probes and nudges were always on target and fostered independence, creativity, and a greater joy.  I can't say enough about her boundless energy and wholehearted commitment to fostering growth in others."

Marla, 8/12/06

"Prime Force Life Coaching has been life altering for me and has given me skills that are beyond traditional methods.  The most powerful of these, is to tap into the strengths and power from within in a profound loving way.  Glenda taught me how to use my God-Given resources to guide me toward my greater potential."

Kamryn Merrill




Glenda Hesseltine, M.A.
(707) 268-3936